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DEDE on Ethereum

Meet Dede, the ultimate Pepe killer and the next big thing in meme coins. If you thought Shiba Inu gave Doge a run for its money, wait till you see what Dede can do. This isn't just another meme coin; it's a fierce eagle ready to soar above the rest. Built for the degens, by the degens, Dede combines the best of meme culture with the spirit of the hunt. It's got the claws, the attitude, and it's here to dominate the meme coin jungle. Strap in, because Dede's about to take the crypto world by storm.

CA: 0xdEdE69bf43306c89c0F4A955068cd956FE8ef2DF

Know the


DEDE : itā€™s a community driven meme token for holders.

Liquidity Burned

Safe and secure

No taxes


TOTAL SUPPLY: 420,690,000,000Ā 
Liquidity Burned šŸ”„
TAX: 0/0


Learn about the growth process

Phase 1

āœ… Building Telegram
āœ… Building the project twitter
āœ… Creation of the smart contract
āœ… Dextool and Dexscreener

Phase 2

āœ… Post launch Marketing
āœ… Listing on Coinmarketcap
āœ… Listing on Coingecko

Phase 3

āœ… Twitter influencers
āœ… Telegram calls
āœ… ETHEREUM trending
āœ… Community competitions

Phase 4

āœ… Dextools trending
āœ… Listings on reputable exchanges
āœ… Partnerships with Influencer
āœ… Utility annoucement

How to buy

How to get $DEDE


Download the Metamask app or your preferred wallet from the App Store or Google Play Store at no cost. If youā€™re using a desktop, obtain the Google Chrome extension by visiting metamask.io.



Ensure you have ETH in your wallet to convert to $DEDE. If you donā€™t possess any ETH, you can acquire it directly on Metamask, transfer it from another wallet, or purchase it on a different exchange and send it to your Metamask wallet.


Connect your wallet to UNISWAP. Paste the $DEDE token address into UNISWAP, select $DEDE, and confirm the transaction. Then, authorize the transaction on Metamask.

4. Buy token

Swap your ETH for $DEDE. Set the desired slippage, click ā€œbuy,ā€ and be prepared to adjust the slippage during times of market volatility if necessary.

Available on

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Our Community!

Are you ready to become part of theĀ DEDE community? We are growing organically, and we want you to be a part of our incredible journey.